Awards and Recognitions

Camden County College has incredible, dedicated and hardworking employees, and the CCC Cares Committee wants to recognize and reward these outstanding contributions. We are excited to announce a brand-new recognition program called the CCC CARES Award. This is a program where you have the ability to nominate your fellow co-worker who has made a significant contribution to the College or the community and that goes above and beyond that individual’s regular responsibilities and duties.
So how does it work?

View our Award Recipients

The CCC CARES (College, Awareness, Recognition, Excellence, Service) Award will recognize outstanding contributions by individuals that further the College’s mission, vision, and core values; and promote a culture of appreciation and fosters a spirit of community.

Who is eligible?

All employees are permitted to nominate and be nominated. You do not need to be a permanent employee of the College to participate or be nominated.

What is the Nomination Process?

To nominate a teammate, the online nomination form must be completed and submitted on the CCC Cares Website. Nominations must include specific examples regarding the work the nominee has done that resulted in success. Details regarding the nominee’s efforts are important for the Committee members in order for them to thoroughly evaluate the submissions. An employee cannot nominate themselves. An employee can nominate a peer, a direct report, their manager or a senior leader.

Complete the CCC CARES
Award Nomination Form*

*You will be asked to sign into the CCC Portal to access the form.

When will the CCC CARES Awards be announced?

The CARES Award will be presented to one individual per month during the academic year. Submissions must be received by the 15th of every month.

If I am selected, what do I win?

The CARES Award recipient will be recognized and awarded the following:

  • $25 gift card
  • Camden County College lapel pin
  • Featured on the “Wall of Fame” section of the CCC Cares Website

The CCC Cares Committee is excited to offer this new program and cannot wait to honor and recognize our amazing and hardworking superstar employees! For any additional questions, please contact the CCC Cares Committee at: